Monday, May 27, 2013

Stuff and the Language of Letting Go

I like stuff. But I've noticed the more stuff I have, the more it attracts more stuff. The bible tells me to run a worthy race, I am to throw off anything that hinders me. It occurred to me yet again today that my "stuff" is hindering me.

What do I mean by stuff? Anything physical, spiritual or emotional that serves no purpose in my life right now. Anything that is not helping me further the Kingdom of God.

While I was cleaning out my kitchen this morning I found many non-electric appliances. I went through a time period when I was fascinated with these devices. I was frustrated with my fixer-upper house. I was frustrated with my astronomical electric bills. So I started fixating on living off the land and getting off the grid.

I didn't want all the gadgets that I couldn't afford or even fit into my house so I started living in a Little House On The Prairie dream world. I wanted to escape from my present reality so I just started collecting stuff.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Quiet Place

Quiet Place....This is the place I go when I'm undone, when I need to restore. God gives me peace, He helps me to recalibrate. God's kingdom is counter intuitive. I was brought up to try harder, push through and do more.  This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength...Isaiah 30:15  When every fiber of my being is in an uproar God tells me to be still. The world says do. God says trust. When I discover I've wandered far from God, his word tells me to draw close to Him and He will draw close to me. Whoever seeks Him will find him. I run to my Lord for solitude. Shutting out the world I spend time with my Savior. I pray, I read His word, I sit quietly while he restores my soul. Thank you Jesus.