Thursday, August 22, 2013

False Start

I have a plaque I keep in my home which reads. "If You Can't Be A Good Example You'll just have to serve as a horrible warning!" by, Catherine Aird 
I laughed when I saw it and knew I had to have it. It's been the story of my life.
I wish I could write in this blog about all of the mess ups I've been through and how God pulled me out of them.....OH WAIT!!! I am doing that! I wish I could sit here today and say it's all good, my problems are in the past. 
The truth is as long as I'm on planet earth

Monday, August 12, 2013

Called to Speak

I am inviting you on a journey. Walk with me as I share how God has been transforming my life. When I found myself overcome by this world ready to give up I turned to the one true God. I surrendered my life to his son Jesus Christ and there I found redemption. Today, I am an overcomer not because of what I've done but rather what Jesus Christ did on the cross. My life is not easy

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Global Leadership Summit





The Global Leadership Summit exists to transform Christian leaders around the world with an injection of vision, skill development and inspiration for the sake of the local church.

I'm headed off to the Summit tomorrow. I'm so excited. A friend of mine posted this on her face book "Nighty-night! When we wake up it will be Leadership time!  It's like the night before Christmas"....Oh my goodness, I've never been able to sleep on Christmas Eve and now I find myself blogging in the wee hours of the morning....Summit Eve.

I tried to buy a ticket to the GLS and they were SOLD OUT. I tried to win a ticket to GLS....nope. I finally settled that God had closed the door. Low and behold I received a phone call from a dear friend a few days ago asking me if I could use a ticket to the Summit. What?! How awesome is that!

More and more these days I find myself saying "ONLY GOD!"

The Lord has set me on a path to do his work. I never know what my day is going to be like when I wake up in the morning. But I do declare on this Summit Eve....I LOVE THE LORD!

Monday, June 24, 2013

CAFO SUMMIT10 to be hosted at Willow Creek Community Church


On May 1-2, 2014 the Christian Alliance for Orphans’ annual Summit will be hosted at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago!

I went to Summit9 this past May with the leadership team for The Vulnerable Children's Ministry for Willow Creek Community Church. It was Awesome! Summit was started nine years ago by the Christian Alliance for Orphans with only 39 people in attendance. Summit9 had over 2600 people from 49 states and 25 countries represented. All people who love God and have hearts for orphans.

For a woman like me who was once a girl in a children's home, it was amazing. I went to Summit to become better equipped to advocate for orphans and vulnerable children, what I got was a healing balm on my heart. We prayed, praised and sat through deep intensives...then we praised and prayed some more. The Holy Spirit was on the move. What I saw at Summit9 could only be exclaimed ONLY GOD!
Teri Altpeter, Jedd Medefind, Alison Strutz (Me), Dina Ackermann

Jedd Medefind is the president of Christian Alliance for Orphans and the person who brought Orphan Sunday to America. When I saw Jedd I had to meet him and tell him what a miracle the Summit was.

According to the CAFO website, "The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 100 respected Christian organizations and a national network of churches. Working together, our joint initiatives inspire, equip and connect Christians to “defend the fatherless” (Isaiah 1:17).
Ultimately, we seek to stimulate and help grow Christian communities committed to adoption, foster care and global orphan care in the local church. Our united efforts include the national Summit, the Orphan Sunday campaign, monthly webinars, and an array of other initiatives.
As the Alliance helps Christians understand God’s call to care for the orphan and equips them for effective response, the impact reaches far beyond a single program or met need. Rather, an ever-expanding army of passionate advocates invest time, talent and treasure in a personal and sustained commitment to caring for orphans in the name of Christ."

SIGN UP below for more Summit details as they become available and claim your $10 off DISCOUNT when registration opens in early 2014!

Summit 10 Sign Up!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Stuff and the Language of Letting Go

I like stuff. But I've noticed the more stuff I have, the more it attracts more stuff. The bible tells me to run a worthy race, I am to throw off anything that hinders me. It occurred to me yet again today that my "stuff" is hindering me.

What do I mean by stuff? Anything physical, spiritual or emotional that serves no purpose in my life right now. Anything that is not helping me further the Kingdom of God.

While I was cleaning out my kitchen this morning I found many non-electric appliances. I went through a time period when I was fascinated with these devices. I was frustrated with my fixer-upper house. I was frustrated with my astronomical electric bills. So I started fixating on living off the land and getting off the grid.

I didn't want all the gadgets that I couldn't afford or even fit into my house so I started living in a Little House On The Prairie dream world. I wanted to escape from my present reality so I just started collecting stuff.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Quiet Place

Quiet Place....This is the place I go when I'm undone, when I need to restore. God gives me peace, He helps me to recalibrate. God's kingdom is counter intuitive. I was brought up to try harder, push through and do more.  This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength...Isaiah 30:15  When every fiber of my being is in an uproar God tells me to be still. The world says do. God says trust. When I discover I've wandered far from God, his word tells me to draw close to Him and He will draw close to me. Whoever seeks Him will find him. I run to my Lord for solitude. Shutting out the world I spend time with my Savior. I pray, I read His word, I sit quietly while he restores my soul. Thank you Jesus.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why The Local Church Should Start At Home

When it comes to orphans the local church needs to start at home. Unfortunately this is something that many people in the church are unaware of. We see orphans in third world countries living in poverty and feel compelled to act. What we don't see is the tragedy and brokenness happening right here.  We feel safe and so we believe that we are. My child has two parents. I love my husband, we go to church, we live in a good neighborhood. We look for proof of tomorrow. But honestly, we don't know what tomorrow holds.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

God is Sufficient

I was up a lot last night. Insomnia again. My mind cycling through the tiring thoughts I wish so desperately to be free from. It began with thoughts of the people God has placed in my life. Remembering I take myself back.............

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blogging Fear

I've come again to my blog to write. Writing comes quite easy for me. I dare to say I do it most days, sometimes several times a day. I like to write out my prayers to God. He listens to me with love and kindness always absorbing anything and everything I have to say.

I don't have to spell right or even finish my sentences, because God already knows what I'm going to say. I wasn't particularly receptive when God started impressing it on me to share my inner thoughts and life with the world. People can be judgemental and down right mean. I feel pressure to perform to be better than I am.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jumping for Jesus

But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and
that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. Exodus 9:16
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians2:13                                         

Friday, March 29, 2013

God's Call on My Life

When I was nine years old my mom died from breast cancer. The world I knew was blown away like a tornado ravaged city.

I spent seven years in a children's home. No one tucked me in at night. Gone were hugs & kisses that proved my worth. During those years I came to know God as my Father. Physically I was well cared for but my heart was grieved.

When I was 17 I graduated from high school and set out into the world. Tucked inside my heart I had wisdom that my mother left with me before she died.

"Alison, Love God with all your heart and soul. Don't have sex before you are married and when you get married stay married forever."

I did not heed my mothers wisdom. I had sex before I was married which resulted in two abortions. I've been married three times and divorced twice. The one thing that I did get right was

The Illinois Masonic Children's Home

This photo hangs in the foyer of the dining hall at the Illinois Masonic Children's Home.I am sitting top and left.
  This is the cover of a small pamphlet from during the time I lived in the home.
More pictures from the pamphlet above. I sit center page "Alison." I also am the girl wearing the airbrush shirt which interestingly enough has my name again:) God is Funny!
Me and my three youngest kids last year on my 39th Birthday.
The day God gave me his vision for my life.
 This is the first cottage I lived in. I was 10 years old at the time.  I remember climbing out the window in the middle of the night. I would climb up the jungle gym and look at the stars. I just couldn't wrap my mind around why I was all alone.

I am writing this post as part of the Summit 9 Blogger Giveaway!

Write a post about why you want to go to Summit 9 in Nashville on May 2-3, 2013

It is a struggle to know exactly how to begin. I feel like a woman in labor pregnant with what I must say. I cannot craft this post, I can simply be a vessel.

Yesterday was my 40th birthday and exactly one year ago from yesterday God gave me a vision for my life.  I haven't shared His vision with many people until today.  At first it may seem this story is be about me.  This story is far grander than that of a local orphan. This is God's story.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Summit 9 Blogger Contest

Summit 9 Blogger Contest!

CAFO Blogger Contest Photos

There’s no denying it, Bloggers for Orphans love Summit! Whether you’re there to learn about adoption, foster care, global orphan initiatives or to make meaningful connections with other advocates and families, Summit 9 has something for everyone.
This year we are pleased to announce our first Summit Conference package giveaway just for bloggers!
And we have not one, not two, but THREE prizes to giveaway! How’s that for a grand giveaway?
Contest is NOW OPEN until the close of day on Friday, March 29. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, April 2!
Now here’s the scoop and be sure to read carefully because there is a lot involved.
  • GRAND Prize: 1 Full Conference Registration, Pre-Summit Intensive, and blog will be featured on the CAFO blog
  • FIRST Prize: 1 Full Conference Registration
  • SECOND Prize: 1 Half Price Registration

(1) Like Us on Facebook OR Follow Us on Twitter
(2) AND Become a Blogger for Orphans (click here to fill out a simple form)
(Eligibility requirements will be verified before prizes are awarded.)
(1) WRITE A BLOG POST: Write a post on your blog about why you want to go to Summit 9. There are SO many reasons, but we want to you why YOU want to be in Nashville on May 2-3, 2013!
(2) Blog Post must include the words: “I am writing this post as part of the Summit 9 Blogger Giveaway. Check out all the details at”.
(3) Come back here and leave a comment on this post with the URL to your post so that we can find it and include it in the contest.
Contest will open on the morning of Monday, March 25 until the close of day on Friday, March 29. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, April 2!
Hmmmmmmmmmm.....Ok God but first let me get past the skydiving.   Also did you happen to notice that most of my blog posts are in draft form?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Do you know the purpose of your ONE LIFE?

One Parent's Promise


I've spent the majority of my life listening to my peers complain about their parents. On and on the grumbling and complaining goes.

How many, many times have I felt the tears well up and my chest constrict as I've quietly thought...I wish I had parents to complain about.

Signing I LOVE YOU

[ Love Fulfills the Law ] Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.Romans 13:8

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Father's Love Letter

God's Valentine


Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.Proverbs 10:12

Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.Proverbs 17:9

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.1 Peter 4:8

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Favorite Valentine

My mom died when I was nine and one of the biggest impressions it made on my life was the idea of making your time on this earth count. Never miss an opportunity to express love.

Last year I decided to get ready for Valentines day early, to make certain I was prepared I bought a card for my husband months in advance. As the special day approached I decorated the house in pink and red and purchased some small gifts for each member of our family.  Valentines day came and we celebrated with a special dinner to boot!

At the end of the night after the kids were tucked into bed I approached my husband and said, "I noticed you didn't get me anything for Valentines Day."  He confessed that he had forgotten.  We bantered back and forth, me telling him how hurt I was and my dear Hubby saying he was sorry.

We both finally retreated. Hubby went to the store to buy me a Valentines day card. I retreated to the bathroom, where I locked the door and slunk down to the floor crying.
I heaved bitter tears and sent my laments up to God. I just couldn't understand why God would allow my broken orphaned heart to fall into the hands of a husband who would let me down.

I cried for God to show me I was loved.

When I was finished crying and praying I went into my bedroom to settle myself for the night. For some reason I picked up an old journal that I hadn't touched in years. I opened it up and there I found a Valentines Day card that my mother had given me 30 years prior to the day.

The card is a precious moments card which reads....Sew in Love Dear Valentine. On the inside my mother had penned....I adore my little March Flower Love, Mom


I don't know why I get surprised when God answers my prayers so quickly and directly. I guess that I have bought the lie for so long that I'm not loved and that I'll never be. 
The truth is, God loves me and he loves you too! People will always let you down at one point in time or another but God will never let you down.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 NIV

Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.Psalm 90:12
For,“All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, 1 Peter 1:24

Orphan Defined

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18


[awr-fuhn] Show IPA
a child who has lost both parents through death, or, less commonly, one parent.
a young animal that has been deserted by or has lost its mother.
a person or thing that is without protective affiliation, sponsorship, etc.: The committee is an orphan of the previous administration.
bereft of parents.
of or for orphans: an orphan home.
not authorized, supported, or funded; not part of a system; isolated; abandoned: an orphan research project.
lacking a commercial sponsor, an employer, etc.: orphan workers.

My Life Verse

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
                                                                                                                                                            James 1:27
I didn't pick my life verse. I just found myself sitting in church one day listening to our pastor Darren Whitehead and he quoted James1:27. I almost jumped out of my seat. THAT'S MY LIFE VERSE!!!!!  It caught me totally off guard, and that's usually how it is for me when God chooses to open my eyes.

Learning How to Blog

This girl is hands on. Writing into a computer doesn't quite feel right to me but if I want my voice to be heard through out the land..........then I'll have to figure this out.